The country I most want to visit

What countries do you want to visit?

Ever since I was a kid it has been my dream to visit Japan. I’m not really sure why either. I just feel drawn to it you know? I like the stories I’ve heard about how the people are there. They sound so nice. Not a lot of crime either. To me it just sounds like people get along with each other there. And that’s I guess the main reason I’ve always wanted to go to Japan.

The Day That Change My Life

So one of my favorite moments would be when I had prayed to god. I’m not very religious was just struggling really bad and was like I have nothing to lose. So I prayed. After praying, I had gone for a bike ride. I had prayed for a sign. I didn’t care what sign I just wanted a sign. So about 15 minutes down the road on my bicycle, I had looked up at the sky.
This is a photo I took way back in 2017.
As you can see, this is a picture of a heart. All it took was me praying about receiving a sign and receiving said sign. Now this can be taken many different ways. But how I take it, is it was supposed to restore my faith in God. And that it did.